Transportation for getting from point A to B in Mexico varies from city to city. In the more populated, larger cities such as Mexico City, Puerto Vallarta and the likes, there are several choices. The inner city busses are probably the most affordable. Some have good A/C and some do not. Luck of the draw on that. The prices are set and you pay as you enter the bus. Quite often you might even get a little show from clowns that hop on the bus, singers or other various entertainers. It’s customary to tip a few pesos even if you didn’t understand the jokes…..
Long Haul Bus
Typically, these busses depart from a central station in each city. The nicer ones will have videos to watch, phone chargers, comfortable reclining seats and 99% have A/C. Tickets can be purchased ahead of departure online but MexiDad has found it easier to simply go to the central station and buy the ticket about an hour prior to departure to assure a good seat as well as the best price. Most carriers offer a senior discount for ages 65 plus.
Almost all of the cities, regardless of size, have some sort of Taxi service available. The cars will vary in shape, color, size and yes again, some may or may not have A/C working in them. If A/C is a must, make sure you clarify you need A/C up front or it will not be turned on. (saves them gas) NEVER take a ride anywhere in Mexico in a taxi without getting the price upfront.
Yes, UBER is available in the larger cities. This is MexiDad’s preferred method of travel while in Mexico and just going around within the same city. Why? It’s simple.
1. The price is set and you can see it in the App.
2. The vehicles are typically newer and cleaner.
3. The drivers tend to dress nicer and follow all guidelines you would see in your hometown in an UBER.
In many cities, UBER drivers are seen as an unwelcome addition to the public transportation system from the taxi drivers. That being said, there is a very good chance you WILL NOT see an UBER sticker in the window. The reason should be obvious to you based on the previous sentence. So, be sure to look for the car, plate number and call out the driver’s name. Always tip your UBER driver!!